Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The post about a blogroll and upcoming posts.

My blog roll is up now! It’s over there to the right! I know, I know, it’s kind of plain but I’ll figure out how to make it pretty soon enough. What matters is the content so if you would, please take a gander at the two I have there, 19 Degrees and Home of Unknown Entity.

I have three upcoming posts in the works, with only one with any time-constraint on it simply to keep up with current events. All I’ll say is that it’s going to be titled “I am a Game Griefer…It’s not what you think!!” The other two will come up soon, one codenamed “Being a Stalker 101”, the other codenamed “Stand On Your Elbow!”.

One last thing: Kelsey, I know how you feel about bloggers like me, but you’ll always keep giving me ideas and I’m still going to keep doing it. Thank you for being the friend that will always challenge my ideas. Love ya!


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