Friday, June 19, 2009

Movies, Moving and a Job Interview, finally!

So I finished watching "The Cook, The Thief, The Wife and her Lover" and holy shit, was it EVER messed up. IMDB it and I completely recommend it. Beautiful cinematography and some funny jokes, but don't watch it alone or while under the influence of drugs that make you paranoid. I warned you!

Plus I finally to watch "Goal!" Just as wonderful as I expected. 'Nuff said.

Now it's onto the latest reincarnation of Rambo. Was never into it and this movie is just gory. Like sickeningly gory. There's cool movie violence and then there's Rambo and it's utter massacre. I guess it gets some kind of points for touching on some very real issues in global peace. Maybe one point.

I have a job interview tomorrow! Wish me luck!


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