Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Today was a chilly –27’C with a bit of wind, which probably brought it down to –32’C at least. Brrr. Still though, it was clear and sunny out, making everything pretty. The brisk air felt wonderful to breathe and walk about in.

Been thinking a lot about the new year, what I want to change, what will stay the same. In true HP fandom, I’ll quote Hagrid from the end of Book 4: "What’s comin’ will come, and we’ll meet it when it does.” Ain’t that the truth.

Funny things happened today as I walked. Watched a flock of stupid ptarmigans try to cross Yellowknife’s main drag as cars and truck whizzed by. Stupid birds, haha. What else did I see…Oh! Three little Japanese tourists rotating turns taking pictures underneath downtown Yellowknife’s digital clock/thermometer. They had to keep trying a couple times for each of them because they want the picture when the current temperature flashed by. It was soooo cute. I missed being home.

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