Monday, July 13, 2009

“Zappity zap zap ka BOOM!” – inFamous mini-review (PS3)

Here I am, falling asleep in my semi-clean bedroom, on a Friday night, happy in a complete way for the first time…I should just sleep.

Aaand that’s just what I did! Good morning, blogosphere! After a long day at work on my feet, I pretty much conked out asleep once I settled comfortably on my bed to write this. That didn’t work out! Let’s get to it!

inFamous, the first quarter 2009 release from Sucker Punch productions (The witty lot that was behind the hit Sly Cooper series) is based on the events of a cataclysmic explosion that devastates the fictional Empire City. At the explosion’s epicenter is you, Cole, a humble package courier, waking up in the middle of a crater and discovering that you suddenly have electromagnetic powers. The entire city is heavily quarantined and, save for your best friend Zeke, they all think you were responsible for it and either hates or fears you (Or both, a lot of the time). To add insult to injury, a freaktastic gang called The Reapers are running rampant throughout urbania, killing and pillaging like no one’s business.

Your city’s in shambles, her people largely all hate you, not to mention the woman you had a very mutual interest in loathes your existence because she thinks you killed her little sister. And with that being the final straw, you decide to get to the bottom of it all as you parkour (free-climb) your way through the sprawling post-apocalyptic Empire City. How you go about that is up to you, various actions (reviving injured citizens or clearing out Reapers) improve your karmic balance toward the good and being as unforgiving to both Reapers, civilians and even adding to the wreckages of Empire City’s infrastructure pushes you toward evil infamy.

The game play felt a little frantic, which went great with they fugitive nature of the story but I found myself getting a bit dizzy as the camera whipped around me as I free-climbed a building or during combat. On that note, combat is a blast (literally!) and beside some snazzy melee combos, the majority of your fights will be projectile-based. A double-edged sword, in my opinion, as it is unbelievably fun to zap Reapers off the roof and watch them fall to their doom BUT the accuracy of your lightning bolts never really improve so some unintentional destruction will certainly apply. Take for example when I accidentally blew up on of the city’s few and far-between gas stations while fighting a Conduit (sort of a Mega Reaper) Oops! Guess that’s a bit of a dip in my shining good karmic rep…


Sucker Punch always delivers with hilarious dialogue, with the freedom to let loose a bit with the jokes, rather than the tongue-in-cheek humour of the Sly Cooper series. No matter which way you’ll swing in a karmic sense, you’ll get spot-on dialogue from each of the characters.

All in all, I’ll give inFamous a solid 8.5 mega awes-ohms out of 10. I’m definitely picking up a copy to have on my own. Multiple play-through’s a-bound, with tons of collectibles and Easter eggs to search out.

Happy Gaming!



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